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Grandma's Passing

Photo designed by Freepik I t was an afternoon at around 4pm when my sister, Chloe suddenly called me through LINE. I was puzzled why my phone rang on silent mode for a long time, not hesitating to cease, so I quickly picked it up, walked to the locker room and asked what was going on.  "Lola Francis has just passed away at her bedroom." I paused for a few seconds, but I wasn't shocked. I knew it would come this year.  We took another five minutes, talking about our life with her before I left the Philippines. She was one of our favorite grandmothers in our clan. I felt very sad that I cancelled my journal writing routine at the park after work, and just made a quick shopping for that night's dinner, and started working in the kitchen.  I couldn't release any emotion except sadness. We will truly miss her; but we also knew it was her time and she anticipated for it for almost a decade now. And now, she is forever at rest. Death has visited our family every now and

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