Toilet paper


Jenny yelled and quickly took the toilet paper and started to---

"And there she goes--straight to the toilet!"

"I'm not having bowel problems, Chedie."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" blurted the curly-haired woman whose porcelain face reflected the brightness of the day. "So tell me," she continued. "What's up with the 'aaargh' thing?"

"My nose," the straight-haired Jenny answered in a flat, boyish-toned voice, as some tiny drops of water came out from her nose. Yes indeed, from her nose.

"Eeew! Was that--"

"'s mucus, alright. I have a runny nose."

And she's using toilet paper.


"Yeah yeah, Jenny I know how it feels to have stuffy nose."

"NOOOO, you don't understand, Chedie! It's not just the nose!!!!" the straight-haired butted and brushed her bangs.


"You're what?" Chedie questioned. "Sick?"



"NOOOOOO!!! Not just 'sick'!!!"

"Then what?"

"I'm...I'm...! Thinking...of...I think I...."

There was silence. Chedie stared at Jenny with such curiousity. Those desperate eyes never wanted to shut.

"Thinking of...NO. NOT HIM!?"

To be continued...


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