The man who won't listen
There's this man, he's my friend. He's my friend, and he's an outlaw. An outlaw of the norm. A culprit of stereotypes. A refugee of the common world.
That's why he's my friend. We're both stubborn. And we won't listen.
Erwin Cruz---an aspiring filmmaker, a refined writer, a dedicated traveler, a gentleman and a lover. And most of all, a 'pasaway'. ('menace')
He's a man of dreams. I can say his dreams are even bigger than him, literally! It just eats him whole it controls him. That's why he will never listen to any of you. Because he knows what he wants. And he gets it.
Just this night he tagged me in one of his blogs that I can say, 'cocky' enough or bold enough to show the world that he violated the beliefs of his dear friends and acquaintances towards him. Let me share you his 4 examples of being a pasaway:
Example no.1
What was said:
"Erwin's got the talent but he's not using it." - My teacher back when I was a student.
What I did:
At that time, that seemingly harmless statement meant a great deal to me. I took it as motivation. I would work hard on what I was passionate about like a raging firestorm. Soon after, her statement would prove false with my works being featured in popular newspapers, magazines and the World Wide Web. At that same time period my works would be read in the nation's leading portal for five years.
Example no.2
What was said:
"Erwin, Web Design is simply not the career path for you. I don't see you succeeding as a Web Designer." - former authority figure at work. ( OUCH! XD )
What I did:
But I would ignore this statement and continue the Web Design career path I enjoyed doing. After creating websites across all industries a decade since that included working for the 4th biggest I.T. company in the whole world, I pretty much proven her dead wrong. Last Wednesday I celebrated my first year in my present company here in Canada still as a Web Designer which top global entity Forbes Magazine recently featured.
Example no.3
What was said:
"Erwin, since you're coming here to Canada yet only with work experience from another country (Philippines) expect to get a job related to your profession but after one year."
What I did:
I also received feedback on going back to start. But again, I was pasaway and soldiered on. The result? I did get a job. Not a job that I didn't like and after a year of searching, but a Web Design job and after just one month's search.
"At that time, that seemingly harmless statement meant a great deal to me. I took it as motivation."
His ever weapon of choice---motivation. NOT EVERYBODY loves motivation. The idea may appear in the minds of many, but when trials come, people just give up instantly. But that's not in Erwin's dictionary. Motivation is what hypnotizes him. And he allows it to devour his mindset. That's how he got his 'criminal mind'.
"I would work hard on what I was passionate about like a raging firestorm."
Did you read that!?? "I would work hard on what I was passionate about like a raging firestorm." He's not just a criminal--he's insane! Who on their right minds would work hard like a raging firestorm!!!??? Who on their sanity do their passions beyond what the body can do? ONLY HIM!!! Because he is manipulated with his dreams.
"But again, I was pasaway and soldiered on."
And look what he is now--not just a criminal, not just a wacko, but a soldier against the world. And what does a soldier do? Someone who defends for what he thinks is right--and fights against anything that harasses his virtues. Someone who fights for his world.
And what does he want to teach us?
We all have dreams and for whatever reason, people can easily shoot those dreams down. I've had my fill of being told what I should and shouldn't do... I just chose not to listen.
Life is short.
I think to choose to follow the passion you have inside despite what other people would say. :)
And so you might wonder--where's the 4th example?
It's there. You just won't try and look.
If you have a vision beyond what you see, you will witness Erwin's fourth example.
And so you might wonder--where's the 4th example?
It's there. You just won't try and look.
If you have a vision beyond what you see, you will witness Erwin's fourth example.
~ ~ ~
Erwin is a professional film critic whose articles have been featured on the leading Philippine web portal '', national broadsheet 'The Philippine Star', and the biggest online movie database ''. He presently resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He loves to chat with his beloved wife-to-be at YM.
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